Who is Chef jerry cangemi?
... an accomplished gourmet chef.
Jerry has an Italian cooking heritage that stems back more than 300 years. His family comes from three regions in Italy that have three different styles of cuisine: Sicily, Calabria, and Naples. He started his apprenticeship in New York City and completed it in Las Vegas, Nevada, under the supervision of Albert Flavio, the personal chef of former President Richard Nixon. He later owned and operated Cangemi’s Supper Club, a world-renowned Las Vegas restaurant. After many years of restaurant managing, remodeling and creating recipes and menus, Jerry reached the peak of his profession when he took on the position as a Culinary Instructor at the Aims Academy School of Culinary Arts, a culinary school near Dallas, Texas.
... a trained nutritionist.
Jerry has a certification in microbiology and nutrition from Chapman University that he obtained as chef and manager of a gourmet canning company in Paso Robles, California. This degree enabled him to study the science of nutrition and the pasteurization, curing and preserving of foods. The experience sparked an interest in studying the impact of foods on the body.
... an authoritative author.
Jerry has merged the first two categories into a gourmet diet plan, the 911 Diet Plan, which has helped people across the nation lose weight while eating the flavors they love. Jerry has adjusted many recipes to reduce or eliminate unhealthy fats, carbohydrates and calories without sacrificing taste. He has compiled his teachings and techniques into a book, “Jerry Cangemi’s 911 Diet Plan,” which he self-published in January 2006.
... a traveling food counselor.
But Jerry is not sitting on his wealth of information. Jerry is a personal weight loss chef and counselor, visiting people in their homes, creating personalized weight loss plans. On a weekly basis, he counsels, monitors weight loss, and is a personal Gourmet Health Chef for people in the Palm Springs, Coachella Valley (CA) area. If you are interested in Chef Jerry’s’ services, you can give him a call at 760.574.4922, or e-mail him at jerry@911dietplan.com.